Saturday, May 17, 2008

Got Stimulus?

I got stimulated this morning people and the feeling is indescribable! Get your minds out of the gutter! I'm speaking of the Bush Economic Stimulus Rebate checks! I had been looking all week in eager anticipation of that wonderfully blissful six hundred dollars to hit my bank account. I woke up this morning and did my usual routine of dragging myself out of bed, eating breakfast, checking email accounts, looking at, reading any new blog entries of friends, and completing the yahoo daily word roundup. I then checked the old checking account balance and there it was the most glorious deposit from the IRS!

Most of you are probably trying to figure out just why I am so freaking excited about this. Well, let me tell you. I am planning to use this tax rebate to finally become the proud owner of a bed! That's right I said it a BED! By this point you are probably saying "Oh my god! Greg is getting a bed! Bye, bye inflatable furniture!" I can tell you that I am just as excited as all of you about this development. For those who don't know let me put it into perspective. I have been sleeping on air mattresses for approximately three and a half years now. I've gone through two of them by this point. The first one lasted about three years before it stopped holding air and forcing me to invest in another one. The second one lasted maybe three months before it started deflating, so I've technically been sleeping on a deflated air mattress on the floor of my bedroom for the past three or four months.

Yes, you are right it is about time that this finally happens! But, what mattress should I get? I've got a big task ahead of me! Wish me luck people I'm going in. Mattress stores beware I'm on my way to toss, turn, and jump on every mattress till I find the one I want. Let's do this!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Greg. Get the mattress that feels right for you. I can see you now jumping up and down on one right now. Sells people be warned Greg is on his way.

Heather said...

Please document your mattress purchase/research process, I think it could be really helpful to people + funny to see. At least one picture of you trying out mattresses in the store? I mean, so that we all know this isn't just a hoax.

P.S. I am SO jealous that you got your stimulus check. We aren't supposed to get ours until sometime in June. Boo. We're buying a new digital camera with ours...well, thats the plan at least.