Friday, June 1, 2007

Midwest Throwback

It's that time of year again in the Midwest. It's time for the 17 year Cicada's!

There are always a few Cicada's that emerge every year in parts of the midwest but every 17 years large broods emerge that can number in the billions. The current Cicada invasion is occuring in the upper midwest in areas around Chicago. I lived through the Butler County, Ohio 17 year Cicada's back in June of 2004.

Cicada's incubate for 17 years in the ground living off tree roots until an unknown trigger causes them to emerge. Once they emerge from the ground they climb the first vertical surface they can find, molt, and spread their wings. Their left behind exo-skeletons have been known to coat fences and sides of houses.

Their life cycle only lasts for about 30 days in which they mate and die. The male cicada lures a mate by singing. This singing is most definitely not pleasant and can reach up to 90 decibles,for a little more reference they can drown out a lawnmower with their mating calls.

Most Cicadas have red eyes, but their have been eye witness accounts of blue, orange, white, green, and yellowed eyed ones as well.

To all those dealing with the Cicadas this summer I feel your pain, luckily it'll only last for 30 days!


Heather said...

Wow Greg! This has been HIGHLY educational, but you're not doing much for the reputation of the Midwest.

Greg said...

Haha! Well this only occurs every 13 years! The Midwest is all about the bible, tornado's, and cicada's! Now you know why I decided to vacate the geographical region!

Heather said...

It's becoming more and more clear.