Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Did He Really Just Say That?

So, in my infinite search to find a decent summer replacement for The Office I happened to come across a little government access gold. So here's the scene: City Council Meeting for Santa Barabara, a young guy in a sport coat, steps to the microphone and begins to speak in response to a new rule that the Council will be voting on to apparently create a no dancing rule for downtown Santa Barbara. Normally I would have just changed the channel, but for some reason I decided to keep watching, and boy was I rewarded. This little cracker guy actually said to the Santa Barbara CIty Council and I quote "I think they made a movie about just this issue and it was called Footloose!" I mean wow, if there was ever a movie reference to sway the opinion of City officials I would definitely agree that the social commentary that is Footloose would have to be it. That Kevin Bacon he is just so political!

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