Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year's

The ball has dropped, people have been kissed, and resolutions have been made; it is officially 2008! In true New Years fashion I have come up with a list of some resolutions; I guess these would be more like goals than anything else, that I hope to attain and work toward this year. My hope is to use this blog as a way to measure my progress in achieving the results that I want to get out of my resolutions. The progress may not always be pretty but I hope that this year helps me grow as a person.

So with no further delay here's the list:

Number 1: Reach target weight of 160lbs and/or waist size of 32.
a: Eat Healthy
b: Exercise at least a hour 5 days a week.

Number 2: Be Better at keeping in touch with past, current, and future friends.

Number 3: Reconnect with my brother

Number 4: Buy a bed

Number 5: Be more honest and stand up for myself at work

I know there is a lot of things that should probably be on my list of resolutions (goals), but I think this a good list to start with.

To everyone who reads my blog I would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year and that 2008 treats each and everyone of you with respect and honor.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Get it Greg. Good luck with your goals, I know you've got them! But I think you should move "Get a Bed" up to #1.