Sunday, April 12, 2009

I'm addicted...

... to a German Soap Opera! Yes, you can laugh your ass off at me! I know how ridiculous this is. The worst part is that I became addicted to it on Youtube! I know! Completely ridiculous! I think I have lost my mind, but I am completely addicted to it! I became so addicted that I began watching clips of it from 2007 and stayed up till four and two thirty in the morning on two consecutive nights watching it. Believe me I know how completely crazy this is, but I connected with the story and became completely enthralled by it. It has also gotten me back to speaking what limited German I can. Unfortunately, the story line also got me thinking about my life and its current state. I'll post more on those revelations later.

If you want to see a clip of what I've become addicted to let me know and I'll post it.


Allison said...

I really laughed when I read this one. It is like my aunt who e-mails me with daily updates of what happened on Days of Our Lives, but it sounds like your SOAP is more interesting. Enjoy.

Greg said...

Allison! I know it is absolutely hilarious! I was laughing at myself all last week because of it. My Mom even laughed at me when I told her about it. This something that could only happen to me!