Friday, May 18, 2007

Giving it a try

Well, since this seems to be the day and age when everyone is blogging on the internet I've decided I better not get left behind and get in the race.

So Here it goes:

I'm bored at work again today with not much to do. At least I'm in a better mood today than yesterday. I've been at work for a hour and I've evaluated 2 people, treated one, and have given out 2 ice bags. We have officially hit the slow point of the year when almost all of the sports are in the off season and thus less needy than usual. With all this dead time I've been forced to devote hours out of my day to my Baseball Challenge Fantasy team, MSNBC Crossword puzzles, other various internet activities, and now I'm going to be trying out this whole blog deal.

Hopefully anyone who may read this might find it somewhat amusing and maybe at times hilarious, because lets be honest we all know that I am a funny guy!