Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cannon Beach Sunset

Portland has been enjoying some unusual weather this December and January so far. Unusual, in the fact that we have not received much precipitation. I've been watching the news a lot during my winter break from work and the weatherman each night keeps saying that we are now over 8" behind average for rainfall  since October 1st; the beginning of the rain year. This lack of precipitation has also resulted in a lack of new snow on Mount Hood.

On the bright side though the weather on the coast has been clear and sunny. So, I decided to get out of the apartment and the city for a bit yesterday. I headed out on the Sunset highway and made my way to Cannon Beach to capture some photos of the sunset at Haystack Rock.


Mom said...

You have the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. Plus you seem, to capture it just right. I on the other hand have the sun rise. I'm still working on the perfect one.

Greg said...

Thanks Mom! You'll get your sunrise! With dad getting up so early you are definitely prepared to be up early to get it.