Monday, April 28, 2008

Arts and Lectures Series

This evening the UCSB Arts and Lectures Series had a showing of "The Diving Bell and The Butterfly"

"From acclaimed artist and director Julian Schnabel, this is the remarkable true story of Jean-Dominique Bauby, a successful and charismatic editor-in-chief of French Elle. who believes he is living life to the fullest when a sudden stroke leaves him in a life altered state. While the physical challenges of Bauby's fate leave him with little hope for the future, he begins to discover how his life's passions, his rich memories and his newfound imagination can help him achieve a life without boundries."

The movie was very well done and tells an amazing story. It's amazing to think that this man was able to accomplish what he did in the condition he found himself in and had the drive to make it happen. It makes one think about how they would react if in a similar situation.


Heather said...

Whoa! This is completely unrealted to the post...but this is the first time I've checked in since you changed your format...I must say, I kinda like it. Sorry if its been changed for a long time and I'm just now noticing?

p.s. Still haven't watched the newest Office lame am I?

Greg said...

No worries Heather. I think I changed the format of the blog last week sometime maybe a little bit before that, but not much.

Nah you aren't lame. It's softball season.