Friday, September 12, 2008

AIDS Walk 2008

I am once again going to be doing the Santa Barbara AIDS Walk. This event was a lot of fun last year, so I am looking forward to doing it again. They made it a little easier to fund raise this year with a new web based donation platform. So, far the response to my email has been lacking.

The walk is on Oct. 4th and is about 6 miles in length. All donations go to support HIV/AIDS programs in Santa Barbara County. In the past two years this issue has had a direct influence in my life. I found out over a year ago that a really good friend of mine had contracted HIV. Their diagnosis affected me considerably, but through them I learned a lot about this topic. Now I am looking to honor them by raising money for programs to help other people living with or at risk of contracting HIV. I am also going to be wearing a red ribbon at every basketball game this year to also promote awareness.

Please visit the link to my AIDS Walk Donation page and make a donation. Every little bit helps!

If you don't feel like donating to a cause that does not help your community I ask you please to find your local HIV/AIDS charity and donate to them.

Thanks everyone!


Anonymous said...

Dad and I are going to help, but we are going to send you the donation and you can get it where it needs to go. I don't like the online credit card thing. You now me.

Greg said...

Thanks Mom and Dad!