Thursday, July 24, 2008

Out to the Movies: The Dark Knight

Last night some co-workers and myself went to go see the latest Batman movie. This movie opened last weekend to record setting numbers and to my surprise the showing last night was sold out as well. This movie is a summer movie blockbuster people, and it is well worth the admission!
Batman Begins took the Batman franchise back to its dark and grungy Gotham City that had been lost in the previous two installments. The Dark Knight continues the trend. Growing up as a kid I used to hate it when my brother wanted to watch "Batman"; I was more of a Ninja Turtles kid, but looking back on the series the original Batman movie was my favorite because it was more dark and real feeling than the movies that followed it. It doesn't hurt that Jack Nicholson was a pretty good Joker either.
There was a lot of buzz leading up to this movie because Heath Ledger had died earlier in the year and sources close to the movie were saying that he hit gold in his portrayal of the Joker. After seeing the film I would have to agree. Took what Jack had developed and delved even deeper into the sadistic and troubled mind of the criminal master mind.
The Dark Knight may have been the most interesting and mesmerizing film I've seen all year. The Dark Knight is everything you want in a movie. It's two and half hours that keeps your eyes glued to the screen, action, adventure, a good supporting cast, and a great story.

If you have not already seen it; go and go now, you won't be disappointed!


Heather said...

Yes! So good, me and one of my office mates are so juiced on this movie, He spent the entire day answering his phone: "Athletic Training, This is (insert name), Have you seen The Dark Knight yet?" Pretty funny.

Greg said...

Haha. That is so funny. I'm sure there are some people who haven't seen it yet; Mom and Dad, but with how much it made and continues to make? They've got to be few and far between.

Anonymous said...

We went and we liked very much. I liked Batman's bike, the tires are huge and the way he turns it is great. The night we went there was a guy on his cell phone telling his friend it's his seventh time to see the movie that is a bit much.

Greg said...

Haha! Well, I'm glad that you guys finally made it out to a movie! I am also glad that you both enjoyed it. I agree seven times is a little overkill!