Monday, July 23, 2007

Summer Camps

It's been awhile since I have blogged and the reason is the oh so wonderful summer camp season, or abstinence seminars as I like to call them. They've been keeping me busy for the past couple of weeks. I begin another round tomorrow morning before a 4 day break followed by the grand daddy of them all; Jordan Camp!

Hopefully , some good stories will come from these last two camps.

Camp Highlights to date:

The genious of whoever manufactures the "Fart Machine." Good times!

Beating everyone in Wii bowling! Unfortunately no alcohol was bet :(

Not getting woken up in the middle of the night during Laker camp; most excellent!

Trop Cookies and Churros! Yummy!

The WTF moment to date:

Is he really bragging about getting email addresses so he can keep in touch with some of the campers? Who is this cracker?

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yay! Greg is alive!

Summer camps always make it really clear to me why I don't want to work at a high school. The youth of this country are just way too much for me to handle.