Friday, February 7, 2014

Snowmageddon 2014

The biggest thing that happened this week was Portland getting hit by a winter storm yesterday that actually brought a legitimate amount of snow to the area. Of course in typical Portland fashion the city freaked out, schools made the decision to close early before a single snowflake fell, and traffic was snarled through the evening hours. Granted Portland doesn't get significant snowfall very often, so I get that it can be scary, but come on people it was only about 3-4" of accumulation. Pretty much every school district was closed today because of the snow and the threat of a second snow event occurring this afternoon. Even the University cancelled classes today, but of course athletics keeps going and the two of us who live closest to campus got the call to cover the room because the other three either couldn't, felt the conditions were too dangerous to get to campus, or too concerned about the impending next storm and how bad it would be for them to get home.

Well in any case I am actually pretty excited about this storm system. It's been so long since I've experienced a true snow fall. I've been transported back to growing up in Ohio and the snow storms that we used to get and the fun I used to have playing in the snow.

It started snowing again around noon and has continued through the evening hours and we've gotten an additional 2-3". So with all that snow out there I decided you know what I'm going to have some fun so I built myself a snowman! Unfortunately, the snow is actually pretty dry, so it isn't great packing snow, so my snowman is not of the greatest quality and/or shape, but hey you work with what you got.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I think your snowman is cool and is bigger than I though he would be. Yes, after being away from snow for a while it's is really pretty. But I still do not like driving in it. Guess what we have another winter storm advisory out for Tuesday night thur Thursday morning more ice.