On our recent trip to the zoo, it was somewhat disappointing. We had either very active animals or sleepy animals, as you will see with our pictures. We arrived in the afternoon and started our adventure with the Pacific Shore. The sea lion and sea otter weren't very cooperative for pictures at first. The sea lions were fed while we were there, so we were able to see more of them on a later stop by the exhibit.
The Penguins were very entertaining in many ways. The Polar Bears on the other hand were enjoying a long afternoon nap. We checked back twice to see if they were going to be active, but all we received was a slight movement of the Polar bear pushing a plastic chair from his face or a slight eye opening to look at us and go I'm not getting up.
We continued our journey through the zoo to see one of nephew's favorite animals, the Tiger. The Tiger was very cooperative for pictures and barely moved. Unlike the Leopard and the Cougar, who kept pacing around in their area and won't stay still. We were even able to obtain a picture of us with the Tiger in the background with the help of a bystander.
We continued onto the Primates. The primates weren't very cooperative since they wanted to stay up at the top of the tree branches or kept their backs to us. The orangutans were enjoying a nice afternoon snack and enjoying their bamboo twigs. I was quite disappointed that they didn't have a Gorilla. Luckily, I had seen one at the small zoo in St. Paul last week.
From the Primates, we continued onto see the Africa exhibit. We stopped to see the elephants on our way. They were enjoying a nice afternoon snack and cooperative for my pictures not so much for Greg's. The Africa exhibit wasn't too exciting for us since the giraffe was inside and the hippos and rhino were sleeping or kept their back to us. The Zebras were also lazy, but at least willing to pose for pictures for us. The lions were quite playful, and Greg waited patiently for the male lion to climb to the highest point to get his perfect picture.
We ended our day with the most disappointing portion/most uneventful part of the zoo.....The Great Northwest. It was quite uneventful since we didn't see any animals except those that were in the barns or in aquariums. We did have fun playing find the animal in the aquarium. I think I beat Greg mostly because I was walking ahead of him. There was one that we couldn't find...kind of scary. We were able to find some interesting things in the exhibit though. They included the beautiful bald eagles and the cougar who was playing with another individual patty cake on the glass. The river otters were having some domestic violence in their den, which was quite interesting to watch. The wolves and elks on the other hand were enjoying their afternoon naps.
Overall, Greg and I were able to entertain ourselves throughout even with the occasional rain/hail shower in between the breaks of sun.
1 comment:
Nicely done Allison!
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