Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hello Basketball! Goodbye Weekends!

Another year and another October. I always get a little depressed around the middle of October. NCAA rules stipulate that Men's and Women's basketball teams around the country may officially begin preseason practice on the Friday closest to October 15th. This is always an unfortunate day for me because that means my nice relaxing weekends go into hibernation till April.

Here are some of the things I'm going to miss the most:
- Being able to roll out of bed whenever I want
- Playing beach volleyball
- Hanging out with friends
- Random road trips
- Weekend getaways
- Watching college football games

And here's what I have to look forward to this season:
- Thanksgiving in Normal, IL
- 2 separate trips to Utah (Orem and Ogden)
- 3 days off for Christmas
- A visit from UNC

The worst part basketball season is the preseason. Who decided teams needed three weeks to prepare for the season? Let's just get these games rolling and the season over by February!

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